
Alternative Mathematics Bibliography, Sorted by Date

[1] G. Mannoury. Methodologisches und Philosophisches zur Elementarmathematik. P.Visser, Haarlem, 1909.
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[2] J. Hjelmslev. Geometrie der wirklichkeit. Acta Math., 2, 1915.
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[3] John von Neumann. Eine axiomatisierung der mengenlehre. Journal fur die reine und angewandte Mathematik, 154(219-240), 1925. Reprinted as pp. 34-56 in collected works.
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[4] John von Neumann. Zur hilbertischen beweistheorie. Math. Zschr., 26(1-46), 1927. Reprinted as pp. 256-300 in collected works, Vol.1.
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[5] F.P.Ramsey. On a problem of formal logic. Proc. London Math. Soc., pages 264-286, 1930.
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[6] G. Gentzen. Die widerspruchsfreiheit der reinen zahlentheorie. Math. Ann., 112:493-565, 1936.
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[7] R.L. Goodstein. On the restricted ordinal theorem. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 9(2):33-41, 1944.
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[8] Emil Borel. Les Nombres Inaccessibles. Gauthier-Villars, 1952.
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[9] Alonzo Church. Introduction to Mathematical Logic, volume I. Princeton University Press, Princeton,New Jersey, 1956. ISBN 0-691-07984-6.
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[10] D. van Danzig. Dialectica, 9:273-277, 1956.
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[11] G. Kreisel. Wittgenstein's remarks on the foundations of mathematics. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 9:135-158, 1958.
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[12] L. Henkin. On mathematical induction. American Mathematical Monthly, 67:323-338, 1960.
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[13] F.W. Lawvere. An elementary theory of the category of sets. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 52:1506-1511, 1964.
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[14] A. Robinson. Non-Standard Analysis. North-Holland Publishing Company, 1966.
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[15] Jean van Heijenoort, editor. From Frege to Godel - A Source Book in Mathematical Logic, 1879-1931. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1967. ISBN 0-674-32449-8.
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[16] Roseph R. Shoenfield. Mathematical Logic. Addison-Wesley, 1967. ISBN 1-56881-1-135-7.
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[17] W. Lawvere. Diagonal arguments and cartesian closed categories. In Category theory, homology theory and their applications : proceedings of the conference held at the Seattle Research Center of the Battelle Memorial Institute, June 24-July 19, 1968, volume 92 of Springer Lecture Notes in Mathematics, pages 134-145. Springer, 1969.
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[18] A.S. Essenin Volpin. The ultra-intuitionistic criticism and the anti-traditional programme for foundations of mathematcs. In A. et al Kino, editor, Intuitionism and Proof Theory, pages 3-45. North-Holland,Amserdam, 1970.
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[19] R. Parikh. Existence and feasibility in arithmetic. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 36:494-508, 1971.
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[20] Petr Vopenka and Petr Hajek. The theory of semisets, volume 70 of Studies in Logic and the Foundation of Mathematics. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1972. ISBN 0-7204-2267-1.
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[21] R. Parikh. Some results on the lengths of proofs. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 177:29-36, 1973.
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[22] P.K.Rasevskii. On the dogma of natural numbers. Russian Mathematical Surveys, 28(4):143-148, 1973.
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[23] J.R. Geiser. A formalization of essenin-volpin's proof theoretic stuies by means of non-standard analysis. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 39(1):81-87, 1974.
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[24] M.E. Dummett. Wang's paradox. Synthese, 30:301-324, 1975.
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[25] A. Heyting, editor. Brouwer, L.E.J. Collected Works 1. Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1975.
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[26] M. Davis, Y. Matijasevic, and J. Robinson. Hilbert's tenth problem. diophantine equations: Positive aspects of a negative solution. In Mathematical developments arising from Hilbert problems, pages 323-378. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, 1976.
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[27] L Wittgenstein. ウィトゲンシュタイン全集. 大修館書店, 1976. ISBN 4-469-11010-8.
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[28] E. Nelson. Internal set theory: a new approach to nonstandard analysis. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 83:1165-1198, 1977.
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[29] J. Simon. On feasible numbers (preliminary version). In Conference Record of the Ninth Annual Symposium on the Theory of Computing, pages 195-207. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, 1977.
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[30] J. Paris and Leo A. Harrington. A mathematical incompleteness in peano arithmetic. In Jon Barwise, editor, Handbook of Mathematical Logic, pages 1133-1142. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977.
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[31] Jon M. Beck. Simplicial sets and the foundations of analysis. In Proceedings of Conference on Sheaf Theory,Durham,England(July 1977), volume 753 of Lecture Notes in mathematics, pages 113-124. Springer, Berlin, 1979.
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[32] Craig Smorynski. Some rapidly growing functions. Math. Intelligencer, 2(3):149-154, 1979.
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[33] Vladimir Lifschitz. An intuitionistic definition of classical natural numbers. Proc. AMS, 77(3):385-388, 1979.
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[34] Petr Vopenka. Mathematics in the Alternative Set Theory. Teubner, 1979.
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[35] R. L. Graham, B. L. Rothschild, and J. H. Spencer. Ramsey Theory. Wiley, 1980.
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[36] Jon M. Beck. On the relationship between algebra and analysis. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 19:43-60, 1980.
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[37] Nicolas D. Goodman. Reflections on bishop's philosophy of mathematics. In F.Richman, editor, Constructive Mathematics,Proceedings of the New Mexico State University Conference Held at Las Cruces, New Mexico, August 11-15,1980, volume 873 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics, pages 135-145. Springer, 1980. Reprinted in Computability-Computable functions, logic, and the foundation of mathematics, by R.L.Epstein et al, pp. 254-258.
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[38] David Isles. Remarks on the notion of standard non-isomorphic natural number series. In F.Richman, editor, Constructive Mathematics,Proceedings of the New Mexico State University Conference Held at Las Cruces, New Mexico, August 11-15,1980, volume 873 of Lecture Notes in Mathematics, pages 111-134. Springer, 1980. Excerpts in Computability-Computable functions, logic, and the foundation of mathematics, by R.L.Epstein et al, pp. 261-268.
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[39] R. Solovay J. Ketonen. Rapidly growing ramsey functions. Ann. of Math., 113:267-314, 1981.
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[40] Jan Mycielski. Analysis without actual infinity. J. Symbolic Logic, 46:625-633, 1981.
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[41] Laurie Kirby and Jeff Paris. Accessible independence results for peano arithmetic. Bull. London Math. Soc., 14:285-293, 1982.
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[42] Vladimir Lifschitz. Constructive assertions in an extension of classical mathematics. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 47(2):359-387, 1982.
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[43] R.O. Gandy. Limitations to mathematical knowledge. In D. et al van Dalen, editor, Logic Colloquium '80, pages 129-146. North-Holland, 1982.
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[44] E.A. Cichon. A short proof of two recently discovered independence results unsing recursion theoretic methods. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 87:704-706, 1983.
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[45] P. Benacerraf and H. Putnam, editors. Philosophy of Mathematics, Selected readings. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, second edition, 1983. ISBN 0-521-29648-X.
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[46] 黒崎 宏訳 ソール・A.クリプキ. ウィトゲンシュタインのパラドックス―規則・私的言語・他人の心. 産業図書, 1983. ISBN: 4782800177.
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[47] P. Bernays. On platonism in mathematics. In P.Benacerraf and H.Putnam, editors, Philosophy of Mathematics, pages 258-272. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, second edition, 1983. Originally appeared in Frech in L'Enseignement Mathematique,1935,pp.52-69.
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[48] Joel Spencer. Large numbers and unprovable theorems. AMS Monthly, 90(10):669-675, 1983.
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[49] S. Maclane. The health of mahtematics. Inteligentia, pages 3-8, 1983.
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[50] ソールA.クリプキ(黒崎宏訳). ウィトゲンシュタインのパラドックス-規則・私的言語・他人の心-. 産業図書, 1983. ISBN 4-7828-0017-7.
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[51] A. Sochor. The alternative set theory and its approach to cantor's set theory. In H.J. Skala, S. Termini, and E. Trillas, editors, Aspects of Vagueness, pages 161-203. Reidel, Dordrecht, 1984.
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[52] L. A. Harrington, M. D. Morley, A. Scedrov, and S. G. Simplson, editors. Harvey Friedman's Research on the Foundations of Mathematics, volume 117 of Studies in Logic. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985. ISBN 0-444-87834-3.
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[53] F.R. Drake. How recent work in mathematical logic relates to the foundations of mathematics. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 1985.
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[54] S.R. Buss. Bounded Arithmetic. Bibliopolis, 1986. Revision of 1985 Princeton University Ph.D. thesis.
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[55] Jan Mycielski. Locally finite theories. J. Symbolic Logic, 51:59-62, 1986.
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[56] E. Nelson. Radically elementary probability theory. Number ISBN 0-691-08473-4. Princeton University Press, 1987.
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[57] E. Nelson. Radically Elementary Probability Theory. Number 117 in Annals of Mathematics Studies. Princeton University Press, 1987. ISBN 0-691-08455-6.
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[58] E. Nelson. Predicative arithmetic. Princeton University Press, 1987. ISBN 0-691-08455-6.
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[59] C.C. Chang and H. Jerome Keisler. Model Theory, volume 73 of Studies in Logic and the Foundation of Mathematics. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 3rd edition, 1989. First edition 1973.
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[60] David Hilbert. On the infinite. In Walter A. Carnielli Richard L. Epstein, editor, Computability-Computable functions, Logic, and the Foundation of Mathematics, The Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books & Software, pages 45-58. Pacific Grove, California, 1989. ISBN 0-534-10356-1.
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[61] D. van Danzig. Is 1010^10 a finite number? In Walter A. Carnielli Richard L. Epstein, editor, Computability-Computable functions, Logic, and the Foundation of Mathematics, The Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books & Software, pages 258-261. Pacific Grove, California, 1989. ISBN 0-534-10356-1.
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[62] Walter A. Carnielli Richard L. Epstein. Computability, Computable Functions, Logic, and the Foundations of Mathematcs. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books & Software, 1989. ISBN 0-534-10356-1.
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[63] J.E. リトルウッド. 大きな数. In B.ボロバシュ編、金光滋訳, editor, リトルウッドの数学スクランブル. 近代科学社, 1990. ISBN4-7649-1016-0.
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[64] D. van Dalen. The war of the frogs and the mice, or the crisis of the mathematische annalen. Mathematical Intelligencer, 1990.
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[65] F. William Lawvere and Stephen H. Schanuel. Conceptual Mathematics, A first introduction to categories. Buffalo Workshop Press, Buffalo, NY, 1991. ISBN 0-9631805-1-7.
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[66] Ieke Moerdijk and Gonzalo E. Reyes. Models for Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis. Springer, Berlin, 1991. ISBN 3-540-97489-X.
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[67] Richard Kaye. Models of Peano Arithmetic. Clarendon Press, 1991. ISBN 0-19-853213-X.
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[68] S. MacLane and leke Moerdijk. Sheaves in Geomgery and Logic, A First Introduction to Topos Theory. Springer, Berlin, 1992. ISBN 0-387-97710-4.
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[69] Jaroslav Nesetril Martin Loebl. An unprovable ramsey-type theorym. Proc AMS, 116(3):819-824, 1992.
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[70] D. Isles. What evidence is there that 265536 is a natural number? Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 33(4):465-480, 1992.
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[71] Klaus Kaiser. Computations at infinity: a nonstandard approach. In SAC '92: Proceedings of the 1992 ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied computing, pages 541-546, New York, NY, USA, 1992. ACM Press.
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[72] 角田秀一郎. 数学と存在論的観測. http://altmath.ac-net.org/doc/tsunoda/tsunoda99-2-10.pdf, 1993.
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[73] 多田富男. 免疫の意味論. 青土社, 1993. ISBN 4791752430.
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[74] S.R. Buss. On godel's theorem on lengths of proofs i:number of lines and speed up for arithmetics. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 59:737-756, 1994.
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[75] D. Leviant. A foundational deliniation of poly-time. Information and Computation, 110:391-420, 1994.
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[76] Felice Cardone. Strict finitism and feasibility. In Daniel Leviant, editor, Logic and Computational Complexity,International Workshop LCC '94, Indianapolis, IN, USA, October 13-16,1994, volume 960 of Lecture notes in computer science, pages 1-21, 1994.
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[77] Shaughan Lavine. Understanding the infinite. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1994. ISBN 0674921178.
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[78] 郡司ペギオー幸夫. 生命と時間、そして原生-計算と存在論的観測. 現代思想, 1994.
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[79] Jan Kraj躰em>cek. Bounded Arithmetic, Propositional Logic, and Complexity Theory, volume 60 of Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995. ISBN 0-521-45205-8.
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[80] Jaroslav Nesetril. Ramsey theory. In M. Grotschel R. Graham and L., editors, Handbook of Combinatorics, volume 2, chapter 25, pages 1331-1403. Elsevier, 1995. ISBN 4-501-61490-0.
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[81] Chris Mortensen. Inconsistent Mathematics, volume 312 of Mathematics and Its Applications. Kluwer, 1995. ISBN 0-7923-3186-9.
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[82] 竹内外史. 証明論と計算量. 裳華房, 東京, 1995. ISBN 4-7853-1096-0.
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[83] Vladimir Yu. Sazonov. On feasible numbers (how to formalise?). http://www.csc.liv.ac.uk/~sazonov/papers/lcc-sli.ps, 1995.
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[84] Vladimir Yu. Sazonov. On feasible numbers. In Leviant D, editor, Logic and computational complexity, volume 960 of Lecture Notes in computer sicence, pages 30-51. Springer, 1995.
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[85] 角田秀一郎. 数学と複雑系. 大阪大学集中講義(理学研究科数学専攻), May 1995.
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[86] A.W.ム−ア(石村多門訳). 無限−その哲学と数学. 東京電機大学出版局, 1996. ISBN 4-501-61490-0.
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[87] Renè Lavendhomme. Basic Concepts of Synthetic Differential Geometry. Kluwer Texts in the Mathematical Sciences. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996. ISBN 0-7923-3941-X.
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[88] Fred Richman. Interview with a constructive mathematician. Modern Logic, 6:247-271, 1996. http://www.math.fau.edu/Richman/Docs/intrview.html.
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[89] J. Brouwer. Historical background, principles and methods of intuitionism, 1952. In William Ewald, editor, From Kant to Hilbert:A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics, page 1197. Clarendon Press, 1996. ISBN 019850537X.
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[90] William Ewald, editor. From Kant to Hilbert:A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics. Clarendon Press, 1996. ISBN 019850537X.
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[91] Baire et alii. Five letters on set theory, 1905. In From Kant to Hilbert:A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics, pages 1077-1086. Clarendon Press, 1996. ISBN 019850537X.
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[92] Mailing list: Fom - foundations of mathematics. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/, 1997.
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[93] A. Carbone and S. Semmes. Making proofs without modus ponens:an introduction to the combinatorics and complexity of cut elimination. Bullentin AMS, 34(2):131-159, 1997.
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[94] オットー・E・レスラー 郡司ペギオ-幸夫, 松野孝一郎. 内部観測. 複雑系の科学と現代思想. 青土社, 1997. ISBN 4-7917-9144-4.
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[95] 松野孝一郎 池田研介, 津田一郎. カオス. 複雑系の科学と現代思想. 青土社, 1997. ISBN 4-7917-9143-6.
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[96] 高木由臣 金子邦彦, 郡司ペギオ-幸夫. 生命システム. 複雑系の科学と現代思想. 青土社, 1997. ISBN 4-7917-9141-X.
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[97] 田中一之. 逆数学と二階算術. 河合文化教育研究所, 1997. ISBN 4-87999-970-9.
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[98] 田中一之. 数学基礎論講義. 日本評論社, 1997. ISBN 4-535-78241-5.
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[99] Dominic Hyde. Sorites paradox. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/sorites-paradox/, 1997.
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[100] 辻下 徹. コンピュータに数学研究ができないのはなぜ?. 数学の楽しみ, 8,9:8:104-114,9:117-129, 1998.
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[101] John C. Baez and James Dolan. Higher-dimensional algebra iii: n-categories and the algebra of opetopes. Adv. Math., 135:145-206, 1998.
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[102] 辻下徹. 複雑系の数理-高次元圏論への招待. Computer Today, 1998.
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[103] S. Maclane. Categories for the Working Mathematician. Springer, 2nd edition, 1998. ISBN 0-387-98403-8.
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[104] J. J. O'Connor and E. F. Robertson. Georg ferdinand ludwig philipp cantor. http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Mathematicians/Cantor.html, 1998.
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[105] Pavel Pudl疚. The lengths of proofs. In Samuel R. Buss, editor, Handbook of Proof THeory, volume 137 of Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics, chapter VIII, pages 547-637. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998. ISBN 0-444-89840-9.
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[106] George Boolos. A curious inference. In Richard Jeffrey, editor, Logic,Logic, and Logic, pages 376-382. Harvard University Press, London, 1998. ISBN 0-674-53767-X.
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[107] George Boolos. Zooming down the slippery slope. In Richard Jeffrey, editor, Logic,Logic, and Logic, pages 354-364. Harvard University Press, London, 1998. ISBN 0-674-53767-X.
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[108] George Boolos. Must we believe in set theory? In Richard Jeffrey, editor, Logic,Logic, and Logic, pages 120-132. Harvard University Press, London, 1998. ISBN 0-674-53767-X.
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[109] George Boolos. Logic, Logic, and Logic. Harvard University Press, London, 1998. ISBN 0-674-53767-X.
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[110] Samuel R. Buss, editor. Handbook of Proof Theory, volume 137 of Studies in Logic and the Foundation of Mathematics. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998. ISBN 0-444-89840-9.
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[111] Stanley S. Wainer Matt Fairtlough. Hierarchives of provably recursive functions. In Samuel R. Buss, editor, Handbook of Proof Theory, volume 137 of Studies in Logic and the Foundation of Mathematics, chapter III, pages 149-207. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1998. ISBN 0-444-89840-9.
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[112] Mathieu Marion. Wittgenstein, Finitism, and the Foundations of Mathematics. Oxford Philosophical Monographs. Clarendon Press, 1998. ISBN 0-19-823516-X.
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[113] Robert Tragesser. Part i:ultrafinitism,naturalism,vagueness. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/pipermail/fom/1998-April/001825.html, 4 1998.
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[114] H.V. Friedman. Finite functions and the necessary use of large cardinals. Annals of Math., 148:803-893, 1998.
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[115] 辻下 徹. 数学と複雑システム学の多様な関係, http://ac-net.org/tjst/doc/tjst/98X-gakkai.html, 1998.
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[116] 辻下 徹. 生命と複雑系, pages 75-225. 複雑系の科学と現代思想. 青土社, 1998. ISBN 4-7917-9145-2.
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[117] Solomon Feferman. Does mathematics need new axioms? Amer. Math. Monthly, 106:99-111, 1999.
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[118] D. Mumford. The dawning of the age of stochasticity. In V. Arnold et al, editor, Mathematics:Frontiers and Perspectives, pages 197-218. American Mathematical Society, 1999. ISBN 0-8218-2070-2.
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[119] H.-D. Ebbinghaus and J. Flum. Finite Model Theory. Springer, second edition, 1999. ISBN 3-540-65758-4.
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[120] Samuel R. Buss. Bounded arithmetic, proof complexity and two papers of parikh. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 96:43-55, 1999.
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[121] 角田秀一郎. 数学の脱構築. 現代思想, pages 258-270, 1999.
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[122] F.R.ドレイク(Drake). 最近の数理論理学と数学の基礎との関係. In 田中一之, editor, 数学の基礎をめぐる論争, pages 16-37. シュプリンガー・フェアラーク東京, 1999.
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[123] 田中一之編, editor. 数学の基礎をめぐる論争-21世紀の数学と数学基礎論のあるべき姿を考える. シュプリンガーフェアラーク東京, 1999. ISBN 4-431-70797-2.
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[124] 四方義啓. 大人のためのわかる数学ー数理哲学序説ー, volume 4 of 高等研選書. 財団法人国際高等研究所, 京都府相楽郡木津町木津川台9丁目3番地、電話0774-73-4000, 1999. ISBN 4-906671-03-9.
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[125] 黒木のなんでも掲示板3. http://www.math.tohoku.ac.jp/~kuroki/keijiban/e0001.html, 3 2000.
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[126] 黒川信重. 絶対数学. 現代思想ー数学の思考, 28(12):42-51, 2000.
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[127] 林 晋. ヒルベルトと20世紀数学ー公理主義とは何だったか?. 現代思想ー数学の思考, 28(12):30-41, 2000.
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[128] 田中 俊一. 位相と論理. 日本評論社, 2000. ISBN 4-535-60127-5.
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[129] Gila Sher and Richard Tieszen, editors. Between Logic and Intuition: Essays in Honor of Charles Parsons. Cambridge Univ Pr, 2000. ISBN: 0521650763.
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[130] Jean Paul van Bendegem. Alternative mathematics:the vague way. Synthese, 125:19-31, 2000.
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[131] Alex Wilkie. On exponentiation - a solution to tarski's high school algebra problem. In Angus Macintyre, editor, Connections between Model Theory and Algebraic and Analytic Geometry, volume 6 of Quaderni di Matematica, pages 107-129. Naples, 2000. url:ttp://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/ wilkie/on-exp.ps.
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[132] 角田秀一郎. 数学の未解決問題 21世紀に向けて8 - 数学と複雑系. 数理科学, 441, 2000.
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[133] J. P. Mayberry. The Foundations of Mathematics in the Theory of Sets. Number 82 in Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2000. ISBN 0-521-77034-3.
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[134] Michael Dummett. Elements of Intuitionism. Clarendon Press, second edition, 2000. ISBN 0-19-850524-8.
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[135] 角田秀一郎. 数学と複雑系ー数学の未解決問題. 数理科学, 2000.
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[136] 松野孝一郎. 内部観測とは何か. 青土社, 2000. ISBN 4-7917-5848-X.
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[137] A.W. Moore. The Infinite. Routledge, second edition, 2001. ISBN: 0415252857.
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[138] 辻下 徹. 数学と不定性-複雑系の数理・内部観測・生命. 現代思想:システムー生命論の未来, 29-3:56-64, 2001. http://ac-net.org/tjst/archives/00futeisei.pdf.
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[139] B.Sidney Smith. Sid's paradox. http://www.mathacademy.com/pr/prime/articles/sid_para/index.asp, 2001.
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[140] D. Marker. Model Theory:An Introduction, volume 217 of Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer, Berlin, 2002. ISBN 0-387-98760-6.
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[141] 郡司 ペギオ-幸夫. 生命理論I 生成する生命, volume 6 of 哲学文庫. 哲学書房, 2002. ISBN 4-88679-080-1.
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[142] 角田秀一郎. 複雑系、内部観測そして数学. 季報唯物論研究ー特集「内部観測と複雑系の新地平」, 80:41-50, 2002.
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[143] 田中一之. 数の体系と超準モデル. 裳華房, 2002. ISBN 4-7853-1530-X.
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